Modifica ricorsiva dei TAG HTML in un sito

Dopo aver fatto il porting di un sito da hosting-Win a hosting-Linux mi son ritrovato con il problema del "case-sensitive". Con questo script ho risolto convertendo in automatico e in modo ricorsivo tutti i TAG di tutte le pagine in minuscolo.
Chiaramente ho dovuto fare anche l'operazione di convertire tutte le directory e i nomi dei file. Per questo pero ho usato uno script che ho trovato in rete (

# v1.0alfa
# Author: aeniGma a.k.a Eremita Solitario
# WEB   :
# A little script that recursively convert to lowercase every HTML tag found
# in a directory tree
# I wrote this after having ported an internet site from Win-Hosting to
# Linux-Hosting to resolve the problem of the IIS that is not case-sensitive.
# Thanks to:
# This script is a merge of other piece of script found on the net as examples
# I have only put them together and myxed them up to obtain this single script
# So my thanks goes to everyone on the net that wrote that piece of code
# Sorry but I lost the links... :-( Excuse...

use strict;
use warnings;

# Main routine
# Do the dirty work recursively from the directory specified on command line
if ($ARGV[0]) {
} else {
    print  "No starting point supplied!...\n";
print "All done... have a good day!\n";
# When here we have finished

# Some supporting routines

# process_recursively
# Parse every direcotyr recursively and if an HTML file is found call the
# lowerize_content routine that do the lowerize

sub process_recursively {
    my($directory) = shift;
    my @files = ();

    # Open the directory
    unless(opendir(DIRECTORY, $directory)) {
        print "Cannot open directory \"$directory\"\n";
    # Read the directory, ignoring special entries "." and ".."
    @files = grep (!/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIRECTORY));
    # Close the directory

    # Now for every file read check if direcotry or file...
    foreach my $file (@files) {
        # Check if it is a file
        if (-f "$directory/$file") {
            # Select only html files (.htm or .html)
            if ($file =~ /\.html?$/i) {
                        print "Found file : $directory/$file\n";
                        # Now lowerize all HTML tag into the file
                    } else {
                        print "Skipped    : $directory/$file\n";
        # Check if it is a subdirectory
        }elsif( -d "$directory/$file") {
            # Recursive call to myself...

# lowerize_content
# This subroutine thas what his name says, it would put all HTML tag to
# lower-case

sub lowerize_content {
    my($file) = shift;
    print "Processing file : ".$file;
    # Open file for reading
    open(REA, $file);
    # Open temp file for writing
    open(WRI, ">".$file.".low");
    # Do the lowering...
    while () {
        print ".";
        # Get every TAG and lowerize them
        # Write to temp file
        print WRI $_;
    print "\n";
    # Close the 2 files
    # Exchange temp with source
    # This works ONLY on linux machine where we have the mv command
    system "/bin/mv $file.low $file";


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